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Admin Council
MTE Society
Deputy Director
Industry Institute Partnership Cell
Alumni Connect

Message from HOD

Dr. G. R. Munavalli

The department is pleased to welcome you and appreciates your visit to the web site. Both on the state and national levels, the Civil Engineering department is acknowledged as a knowledge hub. The faculty in our department are highly qualified, devoted, student-focused, knowledgeable, proficient technically, professional, and approachable. Regular academic engagement, real-world projects, dynamic course content aligned with standards for competitive examinations at the national level, field activities, use of ICT tools, and experiments with cutting-edge technology are key components of teaching and learning in the department. Our students rate the teaching-learning process as outstanding, and society appreciates it too. The department's laboratories have been updated and are well-equipped. The department's UG and PG programmes are NBA-accredited.

The Department is a recognized research centre for PhD programmes at Shivaji University in Kolhapur (including QIP and NDF of AICTE), as well as an Institute of Repute (IoR) under the National Clean Air Mission (NCAM). Additionally, the Department is actively involved in consulting, testing, and research projects. Extensive research initiatives funded by different organizations, such as the Department of Science & Technology (DST), AICTE, and the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), have been accomplished, and many more are still in progress. The Department has provided and still provides testing and consulting services to many public, private, and government sectors. The department has been authorised by the Maharashtra government to check and vet designs and conduct third party audits of public projects. MPCB has empanelled the department as environmental auditor under institute category.

The alumni network is quite large and widespread worldwide. Key positions are held by many of our alumni. The significant and valued contribution made by our alumni to societal advancement and nation-building is highly appreciative.

On the web pages, you may find comprehensive information about the faculty and their areas of expertise, laboratories, and departmental activities. Please feel free to contact us if you are unable to locate any information on the department that interests you.